Saturday, 7 April 2012

It's Easter! Why not do some bank holiday shopping

Firstly I would like to apologise and thank everyone who has stuck around during my lack of blog posts. I have been lacking time and a computer. But HOORAY I am back.

I have recently found some beautiful new online sites, they often appear in many of the glossy magazines you read and I personally haven't heard of them before until now.

First there is OWN THE RUNWAY if your looking for something girly maybe for that summer wedding or something unique that your friend isn't going to have then I would definitely recommend taking a look. An added bonus it won't break the bank.

Lavish Alice Something for the print lovers out there! There is leggings galore and enough print to keep a zebra happy. If your like me and slightly obsessed with collars at the moment then you too will love this site.

Your Fashion Jewellery  I don't know about you but costume jewellery is my ultimate love. Give me a big ring and quirky necklace and I'm yours forever. But instead of looking on the high street skip the crowds and visit this site. I promise you'll find something.

These 3 sites are all reasonably priced and there is something for everyone. I don't often shop online but now I have found these sites they may have just changed my mind!

Thanks again for reading my blog. I hope you all have a lovely Easter.