Thursday, 20 December 2012

Lets get in the party spirit

Are you struggling to find something to wear for New Years? Most stores will be going into sale this weekend if they haven't already put those red sale signs in the windows!

First do you have a style icon? Have you got a look in mind? Where are you going to be spending new years?

If your going to your local you don't want to be wearing a ballgown? Unless that's the theme (mine is cocktail party) but if your going to a fancy bar you don't want to be the only one in a camo jacket with military boots!

Last year I took a week to get ready for New Years had an amazing night and got the midnight kiss I wanted! Taking time to think of this outfit could make memories good or bad!

Republic; My neck of the woods, used to be seen as a brand who knew nothing about fashion but knew a lot about how to dress the chavs of England. My friend this has changed. A growing brand and even bigger growth in their knowledge of what looks good. Quirky and fresh this is the new place to be! Take a look at some of my must haves.

 £25 in an Oxblood/Plum colour. This is the dress that isn't over fussy, you could wear it again but each time making it different. Team it with a pretty gold necklace or keep it simply and don't take the attention away from the dress by putting it a bangle.
 Over the dress I would team it with a jacket. It is still going to be winter and I don't know about you but I HATE being cold!! This will only put you back £15 (its in the sale BONUS!) with the gorgeous lapels and cuffs. This doesn't look like a cheap jacket. The picture doesn't do it justice and it is something that will take you from day to night.
Republic have only just started selling shoes with SCHUH concessions in some stores we are taking over and giving our customers the chance to get the whole outfit from us..... we even do converse! These are from Ravel and cost £85. With Jessie J starting this trend it has become HUGE! If you haven't tried this style of shoe on then you should they may look like they would give your nanna a heart attack but they are the most comfortable things I have ever worn. Also I didn't feel I would topple over once!

Missguided, Off out to the pub? Then this is the outfit I have picked for you. I love going to the pub you can get dressed up a little bit because your going out but it's all about the smart casual I don't have to spend ages an over sized jumper with a nice bottom and shoe is enough!

 This top is so cute and will only through you back £11.99 BARGAIN OR WHAT!! I know a few people who have this similar design as a tattoo. Its very simple but perfect for the pub. No problem if someone spills something and is definitely simple enough to wear again.
 £12.99 for a hat I think is a tad pricey BUT look at it!? Don't know about you but I love a good bowler hat. They come back year after year and will keep you warm while still making you stand out from the crowd. Not many girls wear hats or so I find so if you are the sort of girl, who wants to look a bit different but isn't daring enough to dye your hair blue then maybe a good bowler hat is for you!

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOVE this!! I am obsessed with Tar tan ever since I saw my friend in a tar tan suit from topshop, and I always wore tar tan when I was younger I was definitely a wanabe scottsman. This Missguided skirt is gorgeous, the whole outfit I have created is very simple however the waist band on this is going to be thing that brings it all together. It's very grunge and very NOW. Enjoy the pub!

Lavish Alice is a small online retailer they don't have as much as the bigger online retailers do HOWEVER they are someone to look out for! With an equally good collection as the likes of BOOHOO and MISSGUIDED they are a strong competitor and I'm sure once they become more established and the name is well known they will be big!

 I thought this will be perfect for the clubbers, these girls are relentless they battle their way to the bar and queue to get into the must be place of the night. This dress is perfect. It is eye catching and will make you feel festive even when your sitting in the taxi rank waiting for your ride home. £40 with free delivery. Told you they are good.

This bag is gorgeous!! I love grey clutch bags and it may look like the same one as you get from every retailer but its not!

It's £20 and it's from Lavish Alice..... so go and buy it. Good glad your listening. Grey and Silver is a cute mix, the dress needs something simple but not anything as harsh as black.

River Island I was trying to avoid massive high street stores with this post but I clicked on River Island 'Just to have a look' and OMG how nice is their stuff at the moment so I had to show you my finds.

 I am not brave enough to wear this outfit! But I know there are girls out there who will rock it so I really did want to show you. Costing £25 thats not even in the sale is a huge bargain. From the picture everytime I look at it I love it a tiny bit more. I am going for a hunt in my nearest Rover Island to see if it looks the same in person.
As the dress is so edgy I thought I would throw some attention grabbing shoes to go with it. High tops were a big thing for a few months so these with the hidden heel cost £75 and although it seemed like a short fashion moment I don't think it's gone for good so invest in these bad boys!

I hope you have a lovely NEW YEARS EVE party and see you all in 2013. Stay safe.